Dog Blog
Offa’s Dyke – Day 6

The last section should have taken us a few miles further on but because we got lost we decided to finish the last couple of miles in one day but also double back on ourselves so we could have a slightly longer walk.
Mammy, daddy, sister Eve and dad’s friend Davis, his wife Karen and son Isan also came on this walk so it was a full-time job trying to watch they didn’t all get lost again.
We headed west, followed the acorn signs, the grown ups climbed a tree, I played in an old abandoned farmhouse and we all stopped for a pint at the Old Pandy Inn on the main road north of the path.
It was the start of May 2016 and a very hot day. I wondered when my next haircut was going to be.
A good walk though and we’re set up nicely for the next stage which is a longer, tougher section.