Dog Blog
Trip to the Beach

I wasn’t very old when my big sister first took me to the beach. It was quite daunting at first because I was bundled into the boot of the jeep for a 45 mins ride to somewhere. I thought it was to the doggie doctor again so was quite nervous at first but after a while, with the car window open, I started to smell some strange smells. Not the usual flowers and forests but a salty kind of pong. Anyway, soon we were at Rest Bay, Porthcawl in south Wales – a stunning beach in the winter when the tide is out. Plenty of room to run about, nice gentle waves to play in and other doggies to meet and greet.
A word of warning though. Don’t drink the sea! It’s yucky and made me feel quite sick. Luckily though my big sister had put some fresh tap water in a bottle for me and when we got back to the car I had a much needed drink. I think she had a J2O.
Oh yes, in case you were wondering I loved the seaside!