Dog Blog

Christmas Day Walkies

Started in 2013 by members of, the annual Christmas Day ‘morning drinkies at the druid stones’ kicks off again at 12:00pm. Massive crowds are once again expected to converge on the Rocking Stones, Pontypridd Common, for what some have called the new Glastonbury. Well, it’s muddy anyway.

With guitarists come furniture restorers, hungover children, poets, air-conditioning engineers and sex gods (no sign of retiring yet) in attendance a large and visible police presence is anticipated. And with dog walkers from all over the country, including all fans of, greeting each other with the traditional sniff of the goolies it promises to be a great occasion. A quick sip of Sainsbury’s finest champagne (or Aldi’s strongest mead – whatever your preference), colourful umbrellas twirling (weather permitting), a quick chat through groggy eyes and it’s back home to the livestock carving (or a lone Onion in Davis’s case).

For the stalwarts the party continues at the Llanover Arms at 1:00pm and everyone is welcome.

Merry Christmas Ponty People.

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