Dog Blog

Hi again doggie bloggers. Today I thought I’d upload a few photographs of me playing with my good friend Daisy. She is a beagle and like me very bouncy and also very sociable. My reason for showing you these images is to remind you humans that play is very important to us doggies.
When we see an old friend we don’t just want to say a quick hello before being yanked away by the lead, we need quality time to catch up on the latest gossip, like which unfortunate playmate has lost his testicles through no fault of his own, and who might be next on the list.
We also need time to have a good old sniff of the face, the coat, the tail and so on. We need to find out what our friends had for dinner last night and generally catch up on the heavy duty business of being a dog about town. When we’re ready we’ll come back for that extra special, extra large, chewy you’ve been keeping for just such an occasion – so don’t worry!
When you take us out, don’t keep us on a lead for the whole walk – how boring is that!? We need the freedom to run, shout, exalt. It’s what makes us who we are remember.